PC84 sought to amend the relationship between the Precinct rules and underlying zone and subdivision chapters to clarify that the standards within the Precinct replace all the standards within the Subdivision chapter and the underlying zone standards for activities within the Precinct activity table, with the exception of the home occupation standards. The Plan Change also sought to reinsert a diagram which defines the location of yards, as the application of the yards definition under the AUP resulted in unintended consequences.
PC84 was sought as a Limited Notified plan change. The approval of PC84 improves the efficient and effective implementation of the Ōmaha South Precinct by reducing complexity and potential conflict between provisions in various parts of the AUP and through removing the current need for resource consents as a result of existing discrepancies between provisions in different parts of the AUP.
We obtained a private plan change for the rezoning of 1.92 hectares of land at 2 Te Napi Drive, Waiata Shores from Residential – Mixed Housing Urban to Business – Local Centre to create the Waiata Shores Local Centre, alongside a non-notified resource consent for the comprehensive development of the new local centre comprising an anchor Countdown supermarket, five retail tenancies, a café, medical hub and commercial office building.
The local centre seeks to provide a diverse wide range of uses to ensure that there is both a variety of services for the existing community and to enable it to operate as a focal point for the residential community.
The approach to site layout has sought to to be legible for all users, with good sightlines, clearly articulated building entrances, and visual connections from within and outside the site. The site planning and layout provides opportunities for residents and visitors to dwell, and provides a focal point for the community with plaza and seating provided.
The aim of the Spatial Plan is to provide a high-level ‘spatial picture’ of how Mangawhai can grow over the next 20-25 years, address the community’s social, economic and environmental needs, and respond to its local context.
We were thrilled to have been recognized by the New Zealand Planning Institute with a highly commended award in the category of Non Statutory Planning.