Plan changes and policy work
We can assist you with preparation of a private plan change. We have prepared numerous private plan changes for clients and have successfully navigated them through the process to the point where they are operative.
Our experience with all aspects of public works and infrastructure planning enables us to assist requiring authorities to achieve successful outcomes with projects. We can prepare and lodge notices of requirement on behalf of requiring authorities.
We have also undertaken policy work for local authorities, including future growth studies for towns and similar projects.
District plan reviews
We can also assist public sector clients with the development of statutory plans, or with peer review of proposed district plans prior to public notification. Our experience gives us the ability to identify and address issues that may otherwise undermine the integrity of a proposed plan. We can also process private plan changes that are received by councils.
For private clients, we can review proposed plans to identify issues of concern or opportunities in relation to property portfolios. There will often be ‘up-zoning’ opportunities that arise when a plan is reviewed. We are able to lodge submissions on your behalf in relation to a proposed district plan or a council-initiated plan change.